Version WinTen²⁺ Maintenance Release Notes

Release Date: 9/7/2012
Program Version:

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software WinTen²⁺ Maintenance Release with the release date of 9/7/2012.

Case Management Release Notes

Framework Release Notes

FSS Release Notes

Inspections Release Notes

Property Security Release Notes

Scribe Release Notes

Tenant Accounts Receivable Release Notes

Work Orders Release Notes

Case Management


1. We have added the Case Type field for Case Management. (Case 4729)

Path: Home tab menu > Case Management > Case List > Case List screen (Case Type column) > Case screen (Case Type field)

Note: Case Types are agency-defined. On the Case screen, there is a link on the new Case Type field, which opens the Case Type Setup screen. Users with setup privileges can define your agency's Case Types on that screen.

Bug Report

1. When adding an activity to a case, the program would sometimes prevent you from entering a Begin Date for the activity that was the same as the Begin Date of the case itself. This has been corrected. (Case 4795)

Path: Home tab menu > Case Management > Case List > Case List screen > Case screen > Add Activity button


Bug Reports

1. The following error would occur when you added a new Person record: "No primary key value for foreign key ... " This has been corrected. (Case 4849)

Path: Home tab menu > General > Person Search > Person Search screen > New button > Person (New) screen

2. On several Setup screens, if you saved changes, the screen failed to refresh to show the changed information. This has been corrected. (Case 4382)

Path: Home tab menu > Setup

3. The User screen incorrectly included the User Disabled checkbox, which served no function. We have removed this checkbox. (Case 4421)

The User screen is accessible in WinTen²⁺ through Form Security, as well as from the Main Menu screen of the WinTen² Master Setup program.

Path: Form Security icon (on any WinTen²⁺ screen) > Security By Form screen: double-click a User record > User screen

Path: Master Setup program > Main Menu > User Security button

Note: Your agency must use the Maintain Users area of the Master Setup program both to add new users and to make existing users inactive.

Path: Master Setup program > Main Menu > Users button



1. This release includes additional FSS cases, which will support the future migration of FSS functionality to WinTen²⁺.



1. We have made the Tenant Type column available in the grid of the Inspection Scheduler. This enables you to filter by tenant type (for example, to exclude Section 8 Homeownership tenants). (Case 4700)

Path: Home tab menu > Inspections > Schedule Inspections > Schedule Inspections screen

Note: This column does not appear by default. To add it, right-click any column header in the grid on the left side of the Schedule Inspections screen, and then select Column Chooser. Click and drag the Tenant Type field onto the column header area of the grid.

To keep the column permanently, use the Save Layout icon to save the new layout.

Bug Report

1. In the Inspection Scheduler, the Module field drop-down list always included "Section 8," and this was always the default selection, even for agencies without Section 8 units. This has been corrected, so that the Module options will correctly include Section 8 and/or Public Housing, based on whether your agency uses the Inspections program for these unit types. (Case 4578)

Path: Home tab menu > Inspections > Schedule Inspections > Schedule Inspections screen > Module drop-down list

Property Security


1. On the Security Incident screen, we have added a link on the Employee field, to open the Employee Duty Setup screen. If you want to change the employee list available for security incidents, this link lets you go directly to the setup screen, without having to return to the Home tab menu to find it. (Case 4422)

Path: Home tab menu > Property Security > Security Incident > Security Incident screen > Employee field

Path: Home tab menu > Setup > Employee Duty Setup > Employee Duty Setup screen

2. We have implemented Notes for Security Incidents and Lease Compliance Incidents. (Case 4278)

Path: Home tab menu > Property Security > Security Incident > Security Incident screen > Notes icon

Path: Home tab menu > Property Security > Lease Compliance Incident > Lease Compliance Incident screen > Notes icon



1. We have added a Blank Spanish Report, for use as a generic Spanish-language report template. (Case 4629)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Designer > Scribe Designer screen > Open icon > Open Report dialog > User Defined group

Bug Reports

1. When batch printing Scribe letters, a bug prevented you from printing more than one letter without closing Scribe and reopening it. This has been corrected. (Case 4403)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Batch Print > Scribe Batch Print screen

2. Scribe labels were not sorting correctly, and labels designed for Avery 5160 were not aligned correctly. These errors have been corrected. (Case 4327)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Batch Print > Scribe Batch Print screen

3. If you exported a Scribe report that included a data source filter, Scribe would also incorrectly export the data source. This has been corrected, so that the data source is not exported. (Case 4353)

Path: Home tab menu > Scribe > Designer > Scribe Designer screen > Export icon

Tenant Accounts Receivable

Bug Report

1. An error sometimes occurred when taking a payment on the Quick Payment screen. This has been corrected. (Case 4381)

Path: Home tab menu > Tenant Accounts Receivable > TAR Quick Payment > Quick Payment screen

Work Orders


1. We have added the AMP Invoicing Report to Work Order reports. (Case 4352)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Reports > Work Order Reports screen > Report drop-down list > Work Order Labor report group

Bug Reports

1. Where addresses appeared in Work Order reports, each address was all on one line, instead of having line breaks. This has been corrected to have the appropriate line breaks, but to have the apartment number on the same line as the street address.(Cases 4538 and 4564)
2. The transaction dates were incorrect on the Work Order Consumable Inventory Issued Transaction Listing report and the Work Order Consumable Inventory Returned Transaction Listing report. This has been corrected. (Case 4565)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Reports > Work Order Reports screen > Report drop-down list > Work Order Charges report group

3. An error in the Work Order (Full Details) data source sometimes prevented work order charges from showing on reports using this data source. This has been corrected. (Case 4407)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Reports > Work Order Reports screen

4. An error sometimes occurred after you printed a Work Order report. This has been corrected. (Case 4317)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Reports > Work Order Reports screen

5. Deleted Job Codes were still appearing on the Job Code Setup screen. This has been corrected. (Case 4372)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Setup > Job Codes > Job Code Setup screen

6. Deleted Preventive Maintenance work orders were still appearing on the Preventive Maintenance Search screen. This has been corrected. (Case 4373)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Preventive Maintenance Search > Preventive Maintenance Search screen

7. When you assigned a tenant to a work order, the program sometimes failed to save the tenant information when saving the work order. This has been corrected. (Case 4536)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Work Order > Work Order screen > Main tab > Tenant field

8. Errors were occurring related to issuing inventory items (Stock Charges) to work orders. If you entered a Stock Charge with a quantity of zero, or if you changed a Stock Charge quantity from what was originally entered, it could sometimes cause an incorrect error message in WinTen²⁺, and it could sometimes cause incorrect transactions and incorrect quantities-on-hand in the WinTen² Consumable Inventory program. These errors have been corrected. (As part of this correction, the program no longer allows a quantity of zero for a work order Stock Charge, or for any other charge except a Service Charge.) (Cases 4648, 4706, 4707, and 4765)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Work Order Search > Work Order Search screen > Work Order screen > Charges tab > Stock Charges section

Path: Consumable Inventory program > Main Menu screen > Items > Browse Consumable Inventory Items screen > Maintain Consumable Inventory Items screen > Main tab and Transaction tab

9. On the Work Order Charge Setup screen, an error would sometimes occur if you entered a Housing Authority Cost and/or a Tenant Charge. This has been corrected. (Case 4516)

Path: Home tab menu > Work Orders > Setup > Charges > Work Order Charge Setup screen

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An MRI Software Company